Automated Students Dashboard

CAMTech Computer Services, LLC

Latest Automation Stats:
Last Run:
Automation Status:
Automation Duration:
Current Enrollment:
New Students Today:
Disabled Students Today:
Unmanaged Student Accounts:

This will stop any new executions of the automation scripts. This does not stop already running processes. You will receive an email at every scheduled run (every 2 hours from 7am to 7pm) notifying you that your automation is disabled.

Your automation server should check the dashboard every 2 minutes and run if this box is checked. The box will automatically uncheck itself when the automation has started.

If enabled on your automation server, this will run Google Cloud Directory Sync as soon as possible.

If installed on your automation server, this will run a Delta Sync with Azure AD as soon as possible.

If your automation has failed due to maximum changes you can override that setting here. This is primarily designed for rollover but could be for other purposes. This checkbox implies a Run Immediately setting.

New Students:
Disabled Students:
Data Transparency:

Post Processing Scripts

You can not modify scripts from the dashboard. These must be enabled/disabled from your automation server.

Automation Report History